Taco pub & brewery in downtown Panama City, FL

Meet The Artists

El Weirdo is what happens when a bunch of artists are given strict orders to create whatever the heck they want. Individually, each mural and installation is stunning but when combined, their collective magic transforms a tiny tacopub into a work of art.


Christon Anderson

Journey behind the brew space and direct your gaze toward a couple of Giraffstronauts flying sneaker shuttles to the moon surrounded by a galaxy full of polka dots. This epically weird adventure scene is Christon’s creation.

Instagram - @christonanderson


Beau Bradbury

The back hallway of El Weirdo is full of found objects, graffiti, magazine clippings, and a ton of weird stuff that defies comprehension. Beau did that. We’re still not sure where he found all of that stuff and we think it’s best not to ask.

Instagram - @_beaubradbury


Anastasia Dengerud

Have you noticed all of those wonderful little faces hidden amongst the plants in the front seating area of El Weirdo? They all came from Anastasia’s vivid imagination. Goats, fish, cats, and even a self-portrait or two.

Instagram - @ana.zasia


Sara Griffith

If you feel like you’re being watched it’s because Sara painted eyeballs all over the walls that wrap around our brew space. She also added Venus flytraps, Voodoo dolls, and something about chest hair on the AC duct above the bar. 

Instagram - @enjoyartbysara


JD Justice

JD’s penchant for pop art and cryptozoology inspired his monstrous design for our arcade wall. These creatures are rarely if ever seen in the wild but here at El Weirdo, they feel safe amongst all you weirdos.

Instagram - @art.by.mr.j


Anna Kaye

The robot taco battle going down in the bathroom is the mechanized punk rock apocalypse fever dream of the one and only Anna Kaye. Take a seat, grab a selfie with Potty Bot 9000, and navigate your way through the brain maze. Good luck!

Instagram - @artbyakaye


Terry Knight

If you’ve ever wanted to transcend reality while taking a potty break now’s your chance. Terry spent weeks and weeks filling our bathroom with thought-expanding sacred geometry and trippy shapes. Enjoy the good vibes, my friend.

Instagram - @terryknightart


Alfredo Leon

At the tender age of six, Alfie became a Lego Maniac. Do you see our Lego Logo above the bar? It’s comprised of approximately a million Lego blocks and this talented young man put ‘em all together. It’s Legoriffic!


Shiloh Murrell

The bars at El Weirdo are covered with little dudes thanks the big dude who doodled them. Shiloh spent hours creating a tiny world of friendly characters in various states of being. Great job dude!

Instagram - @shilohikem


Kara Namniek

Kara’s got the greenest thumbs we have ever seen. She created the plant wall located in our front indoor seating area. Her specialty is botanical designs featuring unique plant arrangements and funky florals all sourced from local and native blooms when possible.

Instagram - @oceanandvineflorals


Morgan Elyce Summers

Morgan’s inspiration comes from the style and precision of classic sign painting. From the “We are the weirdos” motto near the bar to the massive mural that wraps around El Weirdo she created it all.

Instagram - @uhbeautifulmes


Aaron Waldrep

What do the Junknado, Blue Moon, Phurbhurt the Scrap Goblin, the benches you’re sitting on, the tables and bar you’re sitting at, and just about every other engineered structure in El Weirdo have in common? They were built by Aaron.
